Burning to Heal
“Burning to Heal” is a new short documentary film that highlights the healthy prescribed burning that aligns closely with our mission and work to create a community-led approach to wildfire resilience. We have been very honored and excited to be part of this effort to strengthen cultural shifts in our understanding of fire, and are excited to finally share it with all of you through the month of December!
We are so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Spring Fed Media and the Rogue Valley Prescribed Burn Association to put this work on the ground and turn it into a compelling story. This is exactly the type of community-owned, landowner-led approach to wildfire resilience that we support through the Ready NOW Program.
A big thank you to our other partners on this project:
- Northwest Youth Corps
- Oregon Department of Forestry
- Jackson County Fire District #5
Keep up with the film Creators other work by following along on Facebook and Instagram
If this film resonated with you, please help support us in doing more work like this by making a tax deductible donation to Firebrand Resiliency Collective!