Storytelling With A Purpose

Our multimedia StoryMaps explore the past, present, and future of our local recovery, and the efforts we are taking to be better prepared for the next disaster. With the unique capabilities of the Almeda Fire Loss and Recovery Dashboard, deeper insights into the data—such as patterns, relationships, and situations—are revealed. Why do some neighborhoods recover more quickly than others? Are there folks being left behind? What can we do to change that? The goal of our storytelling is to provide some context for these larger recovery trends, illuminate the specific barriers people face in disasters, and highlight the resources people can access to benefit their recovery. 

Through data-driven stories with a human connection, we hope to allow survivors to see themselves as agents of their own destiny, help stakeholders make more informed decisions, and engage those who were unaffected by the fire in the long process of recovery. 

Informative StoryMaps involve a long process of research, writing, and media creation, but check back often as we are always working on something new! Meanwhile, you can take in the stories of a manufactured housing park’s recovery, or learn how we created the Loss & Recovery Dashboard alongside our Zone Captains program

Mountain View Estates Storymap

Two years on, 55+ communities that were impacted by the Almeda Fire have faced many barriers to recovery. Though large numbers of senior residents are hoping to return, the success rate has been mixed, especially in the many manufactured housing parks that catered to them. New resources are now available that may help residents overcome those barriers. In this StoryMap, we take a closer look at one senior community, Mountain View Estates, to illustrate the difficulties people face—and the determination they show—as they try to keep their community intact.

Dashboard Origins Storymap

The Loss & Recovery Dashboard tracks the ongoing rebuild from the devastating 2020 Almeda Fire. This is the story of how it was created.


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Storytelling With A Purpose